Thursday, December 31, 2009

Things, well, they're a-changing!

If you've read the post before my last post, you know things are changing drastically in my household.

Kevin starts a new job on Monday!

We are in search for a new daycare! (and after our first visit to one yesterday, I KNOW it is the right decision).

I am drafting up a plan to present to Kevin about how we can afford a new daycare bill!

I am going through our bills vigorously to figure out ways to cut back!!

I am (well, not so much dieting) but eating less and trying to eat healthier. With this, for some reason, comes headaches! (ouch!) So I am cranky and need coffee more than ever! ha!

Change. Such a small word for all that it carries.

And with this New Year, I hope there is a lot of change. Don't get me wrong, change scares the crapola out of me. I'm not good at adapting to change. But I do know that it is what we need and there's no better time than NOW!

I've posted my resolutions for the New Year over to the right (do you see them?).

I hope to stick to them and make them all happen like you wouldn't believe. Here are some of my other goals for not only the new year, but LIFE too:
  1. Be a better mama. With this comes better creativity, more patience, caring about his diet more (I was a stickler until a few months ago...I need to get back on track!), being a good teacher and role model, etc. etc. He is my whole heart and I feel immensely blessed that I have him in my life and there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do for him. I want him to grow up knowing this and feeling confident in it. To be a better mama is a lifetime of work and each day, I hope to get better at it.
  2. Be a better wife. I'm definitely guilty of taking out my daily stresses on Kevin. It's a guilt I wish I didn't have. And although I feel that he could be doing better in some areas, it is not my job to fix it. It is up to him to be the person he wants to be. My job is, however, to love him unconditionally, with all of my heart. He's a great father and husband and I am so grateful for that. I need to be more patient and understanding. I need to listen more. I need to be less demanding. I need to put him first..period (I don't know if I ever really do this). I need to hug and kiss him more. I need to do a lot more. To be honest, being a wife is not a strong point of mine. I need a lot of work in this area! (can I get an AMEN Kev?? haha). But, just like motherhood, it is a lifetime of work and I hope to one day be good (hopefully GREAT) at it! Love you babe!
  3. Be a better sister, daughter, niece, aunt, granddaughter (add in-law to all of those too) and friend. I just need work y'all, I just need work! I'm not good at reaching out. It's something I have never been good at. I have all this love for so many people in my life and they probably don't even know how deep it runs. I'll be honest, I think I'm scared. I think I'm scared that I'll love them more than they'll love me and it may just crush me. I'm not good at rejection. See, I'm getting teary eyed just thinking about it. I love deep and hard. It's really the only way I know how to love. But, you know what? I'd rather love that way than not at all. I need to take more chances and reach out more. I'd probably be surprised how deep their love runs for me too! =)
  4. Be a better ME. There is so much that comes with this, but the main points are to just take more time for myself, have more hobbies, workout, be healthier, and just work on myself as a whole.

It's all a lifetime of work. I'm sure there will be times I fail more than I succeed. But, I think the key is to embrace the successful moments of life. Failure is what makes life interesting. It brings out raw emotions. Raw is how God sees us. Raw is how we should see each other. I hope to break down my walls and let raw love out and hopefully, let some in as well!


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tis the season to be JOLLY!

Our Christmas was AWESOME! We went to Kevin's parents house on Christmas Eve and this is what we had to drive through (that's not even the worst of it). So we had to cut the visit short. But good fun was had by all! =)

Christmas morning, Kaiden woke up to 3 unwrapped gifts. That toss/sack thing (what's it called?!?) from Grandma & Grandpa. A tool bench from Santa and an Art Desk from "Emma" & Chris!

He was so excited that when he found out he had to open other gifts he wasn't too happy! haha.

But once he figured out the process, it was allll good!

The dogs had some fun too! Especially getting the treats out of their stockings! That never gets old to me! LOL.

Look at all these clothes! Most are from his nana! SO SPOILED! And thanks to Auntie Linda, Aunt Ava & Aunt Steph for the adorable pjs/sock, cute outfit & rockin' KU sweatshirt!!

Kiki was pooped, like always! ha! Poor little princess!!

Mimi even made it over! Kaiden was SO thrilled to show her all his toys! Thank goodness for four wheel drive!

The next two days we got out and enjoyed the snow. Kaiden loved riding down the hill. He even did it by himself but I didn't get a pic b/c I had to catch him. =(

Ahhh, the holiday was pure perfection!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Just playing.

Just playing around with phone pics of my little guy in his new "cunkie" pjs from his JoJo!

*He looks like his has to pee in this pic! BIG NEWS: we just got him a new potty. When we took it out of the box, he was VERY excited. Since - notsomuch! ;)


In other news:

  1. We are currently in search of a new daycare. Kaiden is not happy with his current daycare situation and (in my opinion) has out grown homecare. The kiddos he is used to playing with at his current daycare are in preschool now and his babysitter has taken in more babies. Kaiden is not a fan! Also, I just feel that his time is not being fully utilized to his potential. Kevin and I both agree that a more school-like daycare is what he needs at this age. Where kids are broken up by age group and there are scheduled daily activities. I have 3 appointments set up for this Wednesday. Looks like it's gonna take out a huge chunk of our bank account, but I know in my heart that it is going to be totally worth it.

  2. Kevin has accepted a new job. He starts on January 4th. He will be selling loans. The company is currently focusing on refinance loans. So, that's what he'll be doing. We have great hopes for this job and both feel good about it. He will have more of a normal schedule and be able to have more of a normal family life too! Whoop! Just like Kaiden in homecare, we feel that Kevin has too out grown his job at Carmax.

Wish us luck ya'll!! I'll keep you posted..

Sunday, December 27, 2009


My computer is going so so slow right now! And since I thoroughly enjoyed my holiday weekend, I'm just now loading pics and videos on my computer. ha!

So, here is a little snapshot of our Christmas! We had a great time and it was filled with snow! More to come..hopefully, sooner than later!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I Love.

His hair. His cheeks. His ears. His nose. His eyes. His eyebrows. His smile. His frown. His teeth. His neck. His fingers. His toes. His tummy. His arms. His legs. His back. His little booty. His knees. His chub. His feet. His hands. His stubby nails. OH, his eyelashes! His everything.

And that's just the physical stuff I love. =)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Just a boy.. some boxes!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Just one reason why I love my husband!

He sends me pics of my sweet boy while I'm at work! <3

I know, he's a keeper! Love you babe!

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Stacking applesauce is awesome! Good way to learn how to count too! ;) Gotta keep this in mind when teaching math in the future! lol. I included a video of how he says "applesauce" below. Too fricken cute!

Happy Sunday!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Sneak Peak!

I'm having a nephew!!!! :)

Do you see what I see?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


No, not Kaiden! ha! Even though I'm sure some would say he is too! ;)

I'm actually talking about me! I don't know what it is this holiday season, but I feel extremely spoiled! With every package and every card that I receive, I feel "wowed" by the fact that I am so graciously loved. People that love me are taking time to think about me and my family. It is SUCH a blessing! Under our tree is filled to the max already and when I look at it, I smile. When I look at our special ornaments from family, I smile. When I look up at our stockings, I smile. When I look at our door filled with cards, I just smile. It is so amazing to me how spoiled I am, not only with gifts (cause I am), but with love. Take a moment this season to consume how spoiled you really are! Even if under your tree isn't filled to the max like mine (thanks to my auntie & nana who spoil us all rotten), I bet you are still spoiled. After all, love is the most precious gift of all!! And I'm lucky to be spoiled with love (& gifts) this holiday season! Aren't you?


Speaking of gifts, I received a late bday gift from my boss today. Isn't it cute? I am very spoiled with an awesome boss who has a wonderful soul and heart! Although I complain about my job sometimes, she definitely makes it easier! :)

Ahh, it's good to feel spoiled!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Moo-Bee's Make Everything Better!

Kaiden's spirits were back up yesterday, but he was still in a very chill mood compared to normal. He ACTUALLY asked to watch a "moo-bee" yesterday (this kid has never watched a movie a day in his life). So, we watched Madagascar 2. He played through most of it, but the parts he did watch made him laugh and dance. It was too cute!

He didn't nap though. When I did put him down for a nap he just played in his crib. When I went in to check on him, he had pooped. He pooped like 6 times yesterday. LOL.

What?! Oh, TMI?

haha. My bad!

Anyhoo, when we did decide to venture out of the house, I'm not kidding, less than 5 minutes in the car and he was OUT! I mean snoring and all! Poor little guy!

So, needless to say, JoJo went shopping by herself and I stayed in the car and listened to music and watched all the crazy shoppers trying to look for their cars. ha!

He didn't seem to sleep very good last night. He kept fussing, but never woke up completely. Dada reported that he thinks he now has a cold. =(

Keep him in your prayers for a quick recovery from whatever he may have! Love ya!