Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Soul Creative Questions

Since there was a positive response about me bearing my soul yesterday, I'll do it again today! =)

Also, because Kevin took the camera cord to work and Jo was hogging the computer last night so I couldn't load pics of Kaiden! ha!

I got these from an inspiring blog I sometimes read...check it out here if you want.
  1. The Most Complicated Thing You Own Is.. my mind. I think way too much about things I can and can't control. If my mind just slowed down, I think loving, succeeding and just plain living would be so much easier!
  2. Burning House…
    Family and pets are safely out…
    You’re running out…
    You grab… my sister asked me this same question when she was here in November. My answer was my wedding rings. I would also add my cds of pictures.
  3. I Can Teach You... photoshop, how to do your makeup & the itsy bitsy spider.
  4. I want to redesign… my kitchen, backyard, garage and self.
  5. When I was a kid I wanted to grow up to be a... lot of things. The funniest one was an old lady so I could go to the doc a lot and get candy. LOL.
  6. I’ve just finished reading ________ by _________ and you [should or should not] read it... the last books I finished was the Twilight series. I totally recommend those books if you want to get sucked in and read hundreds of pages in a day. Warn hubs and kids that you will be unavailable for the next week. ha!
  7. If you could live in the shoes of one non church leader for a day, who would it be and why? Hmm...this is hard. The most random person just popped in my head..Cameron Diaz. ha! I was just thinking of who seems to live an adventurous life and I remember seeing her bathe elephants and that is totally what I would want to do for a day I was someone else. Go to Africa and have some fun with beautiful, wild animals. =)
  8. If I was a piece of furniture I would be… I want to say something fierce like a leopard print chaise lounge or something, but I think I would love to be a hammock. It's relaxing with a "life's a beach" kind of vibe. My favorite times (with furniture) was in Kevin's old hammock.
  9. If I had to live my life as a cartoon character I would live as…Foofa from Yo Gabba Gabba so the kiddo would think I was cool. lol.

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