Friday, June 4, 2010


Other People's Photos =)

I love looking at pictures of Kaiden that other people have taken. It lets me see him from someone elses perspective in a way. Since my phone broke and they had to send me a new one, I had no photos of my pumpkin on there. =( So, I raided Jo's phone and stole hers. lol. Here are my favs:
This one is my wallpaper right now =) Love his sly little thumb in the mouth grin...
and I loved this one of Kiki, too

That's it. I have a busy weekend of cleaning the garage out and getting rid of the ruined stuff the flood left behind b/c my neighborhood is having a free trash service tomorrow morning for our big trash hauls. Whoohoo! And, since we'll have Grandpa Jr's truck, I'm sure we'll take the boat out too!!

Sorry for the lack of picture posts lately. I can't get photos to load to my home computer or Kev's work computer for some reason. I will try to work on that this weekend too. Have a beautiful weekend ya'll! xoxo

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