Saturday, June 5, 2010

He fills my heart, my soul, my photos with pure happiness!

I love this photo.

Why? You ask.

It is all jacked up from start to finish.

To the untrained eye.

I love it because of the pure happiness you I see.

Kaiden is cracking up and so am I. 

I love that. 

I was trying to sneak a picture of us on Kevin's phone for him to find randomly.

I love that about it, too.

And Kaiden, my silly little guy, thought it was too funny because I was trying to rush.

As did I!

Kevin thought the other one we took was better.

But, not me.

And it's not because in the first one you can't see my double chin. ha!

Ok, so maybe that's part of it.

But it's mostly because I love accidental, raw, jacked up, oh-so-happy photos.

That's all.

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