Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Jiggle Jam

A couple weekends ago we went to Jiggle Jam. Jiggle Jam is a "fest" for children that had live music and kid friendly activities. We pretty much all agreed that it was a rip off, but that could have been mostly because Kaiden was not feeling it since it was very close to his nap time.

The thing I've learned about Kaiden in the 2+ years of being his mama is that the earlier we start an activity in the morning, the better. Unfortunately, I sometimes push it and it almost never fails that he will be a cranky butt.

He did eventually start having a little fun when we found this cool truck/trolley thing that you could bang on with drum sticks! ha! Here's the munchkin picking out the perfect sticks..

and banging away
now, ready to go to the bubble tent
he really liked the bubble tent
and then we played in this little space ship (do you see me in the window?)
Then we went to the art tent and did a little coloring. We tried a few times to get him on the train ride and bouncy houses (that both cost money), but it was a no-go! He pretty much liked all the free activities. Oh, I love him so! =) We ended the trip with a stop through the spray park area and him and Kev cooled off a bit. Then we made it back to the car, stripped the kid down and he was OUT!
Next time, we'll go on a Saturday when they open at 9 instead of a Sunday when they open at 11! =)

All-in-all at least we made memories! lol.

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