Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Yadda Yadda.

The Hubs and I went to a wedding this weekend. But, according to this picture, we were going to prom in ..uhhh..1949! ha! We had fun, nonetheless, and I got to drink up some yummy wine! Whoop! It's weird, as parents we are always talking how we should go out on more dates and yadda yadda yadda, and, although I had a great time mingling with adults and sharing quiet, sweet moments with the hubs, we both couldn't wait to get home and kiss Goose goodnight! ;)

...and, just in case you were wondering what my makeup, earrings,
and shoes looked like..
There you go! ha!

1 comment:

Aunt L said...

Gorgeous shoes....were you actually able to walk in those?