Monday, September 7, 2009

Summer Summer Summer Time!

This summer, although a mild one, was spent in the water as much as possible. Goose is a water baby and enjoyed every second of it! From something as little as a raft in the front yard while mama is trying to do yard work or wash the cars..

To enjoying moments in our pool, won by his dada for being the biggest loser..

And I think every one's favorite, was our times on the boat, fishing, hanging and swimming in the lake!!

Tell me they do not look JUST alike. Facial expression and all!! ;)

Although mama takes most of the is the evidence that I was here this summer! LOL. Goose's first fishing trip! One, small fish caught, but fun nonetheless!

Enjoying a snack while dada loads up the boat!
We even had some fun with Mimi on the boat!
All-in-all, a great, water-filled summer!!!And, I guess you can't have water without some fire! Another fav of mine, date with the hubby, by the fire on a chilly night! A.w.e.s.o.m.e.

Happy Labor Day!!

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