Let me start at the beginning. Goose and I have been part of this mommy meet-up group for a few months now. But, since I work full-time and there are just way too many fun things to do in the summer, we have never had a chance to attend an actual meet-up. Well, this weekend, we did. We met up with some mommies and their kiddos at this place called AirZone. It's full of inflatable fun! To my disappointment, the 2 and under section was lame-o! Goose enjoyed it for a bit, but soon grew tired of climbing over the same foam block.

It was so cute, though, to see him interacting with a kiddo who's almost two, but about the same size, with the same name! Awesomeness, since all the kids at daycare (except one) are much older or younger. Anyhoo, we ditched the 2 and under crowd and made way into the bouncy house. Total fun times!! ..and why was I the only mama in there? Am I just cool like that or too overprotective?! Wait!..don't answer that! ;) It was all good though, until the really big kids got in and were extremely rowdy that Goose couldn't even stand up anymore! lol. What to do, what to do?
Ok, so I know they must have age limits on things for a reason. But, I've always been one to push the boundaries a bit. And, there was this really HUGE slide that I JUST knew Goose would have enjoyed going down with his mama. I didn't know, however, how fricken hard it would be to get to this so-called fantabulous slide.
Back to the kiddo with the same name as Goose. He had crawled thru the first little part of this maze that got to the slide and was trying to get over the first little "wall". I felt so bad for him and I could tell his mama didn't want to get in, so I offered to help. I threw Goose in and climbed in after. Hooched the little boy over the wall and threw Goose over right behind him. They were laughing up a storm! I was so excited! His mama asked if he could get thru the rest of the way cause he was out of her sight now. She ended up climbing in with us and the next part is where things went horribly wrong. The next part of the maze was to SQUEEZE thru two pieces of air-filled rubber or plastic or whatever it was. Simple enough. ha! I wish I could have kicked myself for my next move. The other mom and kiddo got thru and it was Goose's turn. So, I hooched him up and she was there to get him on the other side so I could get thru. Well, I don't know if it was b/c she was getting him on the other side or the actual squeezing itself, but Goose FLIPPED out! I mean, crying and screaming hysterically!! I squeezed thru and picked him up to calm him down. I started bouncing up and down and he did stop crying at that point. We went thru a tunnel and we made it ...to the slide! (Ugghh...I put my head in my hands as I think about this) There was one way and one way only to get to this awesome slide. Up a 10 -15 foot fricken wall with little pegs for your feet. Yeah, like rock climbing or something. AND it was slippery b/c you had socks on. UGGHHH!! So, we were really trying not to give up at this point and the other mama guided her son up the wall. He was doing great too! But, about 3/4 the way up, he was done. She tried to push him the rest of the way, but it was a no-go. I couldn't even make it that far b/c by that point Goose had a death-grip on me and I was slipping everywhere. So, yes, we had to face the music and....dare I say it...go back the way we came! Yes, thru the squeeze thingy!! OMG! The look on this mama's face was not happy, to say the least!

My poor baby was trau-ma-tized! To top it all off, a group of people and an employee were waiting on the other side. Yeah, that's the side my a$$ and legs were hanging out of for God knows how long! Goose was crying/screaming bloody murder and I was red in the face and sweating. Sweet! The employee told me I wouldn't be able to get the rest of the way out b/c it was too slippery, so I had to climb out the side. A nice man offered to help, but Goose wasn't having it. So I hopped out ever-so-gracefully (I'm sure) and went to console my probably-ruined-for-life babycakes.

I just hope this doesn't stop him from trying new things in the future.
He woke up screaming in the middle of the night last night. My heart is hoping he wasn't dreaming of the squeeze thing and that he totally won't be scared of all air-filled fun for the rest of his life. The sickness in my gut, however, was telling me differently. :(
Great first impression, huh?
But, to leave you on a good note (even though I'm sure you laughed your butt off like my mom did lol)..here are the missing pics from my zoo post the other day.
Goose's hat was on normal when I ran in the house to grab his water..I guess he thought it needed some adjusting!
Aren't these monkey's so cute?? I want! I want! I could just eat this cutie right up!
And, a few days ago (before the incident) I took a pic of us and told him to say cheese. Aww, what a sweetie! Look at all those teeth!!!
The end.
Ummm...Well you tried something new...he he...a new experience for both of you...ha..ha. It's a shame it was a bit overwhelming for both of you, and I'm sure that Goose has forgotten the whole thing. However, will YOU ever forget having your...he he he...backside hanging out while employees and parents are trying to help out? hahahahahaha
Did anyone get a video of this? :)
Love ya!
Aunt L
Awww ... he has a big boy cup! So big drinking out of a taco bell cup!!!! :) :)
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