I've played with the settings on my camera and love love love the way my recent pictures have turned out! I haven't done this before b/c it was so hard to get a good pic of
Kaiden and the better the settings, the longer it takes to take a picture. But now that he poses for pictures and I take "natural" pics, my new settings are perfect! What do you think?
Mr. Potato Head time!!

"Mama! Nail!" He says this when the he has a nail hanging and needs me to rip it off. You know, since he doesn't let me cut them anymore!

chillin. Calling his peeps.

Posing. Just posing.

dada his lady bug.

Posing at the Nature Conservatory. Yes, that's a
pj shirt he has on. He just HAD to wear his "gunky" shirt. Just HAD to! ;)

This owl was so beautiful.

Oh, the eagles! So amazing!

"SQUEEZE!" Just art time with left over glitter glue from Christmas.

And, of course, gotta do some pen drawing. He LOVES drawing with a pen.
Is he a lefty? I'm quite partial to lefties ;)
He DOES seem to draw more with his left hand. But, supposedly, we won't know for sure until he starts writing. I'll keep you posted. ;)
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