Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Toddler's Cup of Joe!

He's watching his favorite show, Yo Gabba Gabba! Which he likes to do every morning. It's like his coffee, once he's had it, he's good to go! He's so fricken cute, I could just eat him right up!!!!!

P.S. He's wearing that Elmo shirt for the second day in a row. He didn't like the pants I picked out for him yesterday (Thursday ...I'm writing this post in advance and posting to a later date, which I did this whole week...wouldn't have known I had the flu this week, huh?:), so I let him pick out his own. He picked out his socks too. He told me he wanted to wear Elmo, so I let him. This morning (Friday), he saw his Elmo shirt and it was the first thing he wanted when he woke up! ha! This should get interesting... ;)

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