Sunday, January 31, 2010


There's going to be a lot of firsts for my future nephew.

Like his first pair of shoes.

And his first bedroom.

I'm sad that I will miss a lot of his firsts. But I know I'll be able to enjoy many of his 18th's and 42nd's.

Luckily, this auntie knows, those are just as special. =)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Playground Etiquette.

Wednesday morning Kevin let me sleep in until 9:30. Whoo hoo! I love that man!

Anyhoo, I had planned on taking Kaiden to Toddler Town that morning and it opened at 10, so I got Jordan up and we got our butts moving.

Toddler Town is basically free play for toddlers (5 and under) at the local rec center. It's a $1, so I figured we should give it a try. Umm..yeah, it wasn't what I expected at all.

When we got there, it was a gym basically filled with some toys, screaming toddlers and parents that weren't paying attention to them. Chaos. Like his mama, Kaiden is not a fan of it. Don't get me wrong, Kaiden is a wild child, but Kevin and I both agree that teaching him manners and to be kind at a very young age is a must. Yes, he is under two and yes, he has very good manners. I wouldn't have it any other way either.

It seems though, that many other parents don't take this same approach. And maybe I'm naive because Kaiden has yet to hit the terrible two's or three's or whatever, but dang, these kids were obnoxious. Pushing, knocking over toys other kids built, and having no regard for kids that were smaller than them. Is this normal?? I had to save some 18 month girl from getting plummeted at the slide and her mama was no where in site. Uggh! Maybe I'm too over protective. Maybe it would have been good for that little girl to get knocked down by some 5 year olds. Would have taught her not to get in front of that slide again, huh? Maybe. But I just couldn't sit there and watch it.

I noticed that Kaiden was the only kid that wanted to hold my hand while checking out the digs and walking from zone to zone. Does that mean that he is unsociable or too attached to me? Or was it simply because he was in a new place and the kids were crazy? I just don't know. I try to encourage him to do it on his own and he just always seems to prefer my comforting hand. Is that so wrong? If it's not, then why do I feel so guilty about it? I really just shouldn't.

I know in my heart that I'd rather have a kid that is smart, sensitive, kind and unique than a kid that fits into the "norm" and is a fricken brat. I guess I just need to continue to remind myself of that because at the end of the day, I know he's happy, well-adjusted and loved beyond belief. He makes me so proud to be his mama. Like when he was sitting playing with the big blocks and another kid came over and knocked down another kids build and made that kid cry. Kaiden was concerned. You should have seen his little face, just feeling bad for that crying kid, while the brat that knocked it down didn't have a care in the world about it. Yeah, I'd rather have a son that cares. One that says thank you, please and bless you. One that lays a gentle hand on his doggies and rubs them sweetly while no one is looking. One that hates to see his mama upset and runs to her whenever he feels that she is not okay. One that will step back to let another kid go first instead of pushing them out of his way. I love my kid. He has such a bright bright soul.

And although many parents were staring at me while I played with my child and they sat and gossiped away with their other mommy friends, at least I was trying to get the most out of the experience. I don't do these things with my kid to get a break. I do it to see him have fun and be apart of his life. But maybe that's because I'm not a stay at home mama either. Whatever it may be, I'm trying my best. I have yet to find my "niche" in the mommy world, but I'd rather be playing with blocks than talking about breast milk anyway. ;-)

*The picture above is a wreath Kaiden made at Toddler Town (I helped with the glue, of course). Isn't it precious? I can't wait to include it in our Christmas decorations for years to come!

Friday, January 29, 2010


The adults in our house are not the only ones addicted to the "puter"...

Very intense.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

A boy after my own heart!

On this day, he requested to wear his doggie pj's even though they weren't the ones he woke up in. =)

Align Center*Singing*

Having a strong opinion about the clothes he wears is just one of the many reasons he's a boy after my own heart!!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Gotta switch things up..

Kaiden wanted to take his chair off the big chair to eat dinner last night. And I guess I'm a pretty relaxed mama once in awhile because I thought it was a fun idea. Life is about switching things up a bit, no matter the age. It keeps things interesting and Lord knows, I'll take all the interesting I can get. Even it's as small as eating on the floor with your munchkin! ;-)

He was happy as can be and thought it was pretty cool too.

Of course the pipsqueaks were close by ready to help mama clean up any crumbs!

I look forward to him coming up with many more fun ideas in the future. He brings out the kid in me, for sure!

P.S. I got his hair cut tonight during bath time. He was too busy putting soap on his washcloth to worry about what I was doing. Saweeet!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Bed Head.

This is how Kaiden's hair looks on a daily basis. Not just when he wakes up. ha! Kevin and I tried to tackle the problem last night with a haircut. Ummm, yeah..not so much! He threw a fit like you wouldn't believe. We even tried bribing him sweetening up the experience with M&M's. =) Oh, he was thrilled to get M&M's, but would not budge.

I got in a few snips here and there but was afraid of cutting my fingers off, so decided to give it a break. Kevin got him to calm down on his lap and watch some tv and I ended up getting about 35% of his hair cut. Booo! Any suggestions?

I was almost convinced to give in to Kevin's idea and take the clippers to him. Almost.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Just out with his Dada!

I'm trying not to freak that there is no jacket in sight! ha! At least dada is saving money by shopping at Save A Lot. ;-)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I LOVE this new phase!

Kaiden is using his words more than ever! I love it! He cracks me up SO much!!!


We were in T-Mobile yesterday and the sales guy is giving us his little spiel and when he's done, Kaiden looks at him ever-so-seriously and says

"WHAT?!?!" in the most you're crazy voice! hahaha


Last night at dinner I asked him what his name was. He said

"Tiger!" and then made a very scary, yet funny, tiger growl. HAHA!


His new favorite phrase is "What's that?" And he constantly is asking it. LOL. Fun times. ;-)


He was looking at himself in the mirror yesterday and going to the side and asking

"Where's Kaiden?" "Where is he?" and then jumping in front of the mirror and scaring himself. hahaha.

Oh, this kid is a hoot!


He head-bumped Kevin's forehead and right after he did it, he grabbed him and kissed it!! AWWWWW!!!


And so I don't leave without pics, here are some snapshots of Kaiden enjoying some lemon pound cake at starbucks yesterday. YUMM-O!!

And here he is wearing his Elmo slippers. It didn't last long, but cute nonetheless.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Virbrant Pics!

I've played with the settings on my camera and love love love the way my recent pictures have turned out! I haven't done this before b/c it was so hard to get a good pic of Kaiden and the better the settings, the longer it takes to take a picture. But now that he poses for pictures and I take "natural" pics, my new settings are perfect! What do you think?


Mr. Potato Head time!!
"Mama! Nail!" He says this when the he has a nail hanging and needs me to rip it off. You know, since he doesn't let me cut them anymore!
Just chillin. Calling his peeps.
Posing. Just posing.
Showing dada his lady bug.
Posing at the Nature Conservatory. Yes, that's a pj shirt he has on. He just HAD to wear his "gunky" shirt. Just HAD to! ;)
This owl was so beautiful.
Oh, the eagles! So amazing!
"SQUEEZE!" Just art time with left over glitter glue from Christmas.
And, of course, gotta do some pen drawing. He LOVES drawing with a pen.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Toddler's Cup of Joe!

He's watching his favorite show, Yo Gabba Gabba! Which he likes to do every morning. It's like his coffee, once he's had it, he's good to go! He's so fricken cute, I could just eat him right up!!!!!

P.S. He's wearing that Elmo shirt for the second day in a row. He didn't like the pants I picked out for him yesterday (Thursday ...I'm writing this post in advance and posting to a later date, which I did this whole week...wouldn't have known I had the flu this week, huh?:), so I let him pick out his own. He picked out his socks too. He told me he wanted to wear Elmo, so I let him. This morning (Friday), he saw his Elmo shirt and it was the first thing he wanted when he woke up! ha! This should get interesting... ;)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Where is he?

Do you see him?



Friday, January 15, 2010

A day in the life...

Here's a little snapshot of a day at our house when it's too darn cold to get out! It's over 6 minutes, so sit back and relax. It's Kaiden time! :)

Thursday, January 14, 2010


The other night Kaiden decided to cook us dinner. Too bad we didn't get any because he thought it was too good to share! lol. He kept tasting it like it was the best thing on earth! It was too funny!

"All done!"

He's obviously a better cook than his mama, cause he sure doesn't devour my food like that! ;) Maybe one day he'll make dinner for me!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Awwww face.

Kaiden's new things is putting his hand up to his chin and tilting his head to the side to make a cute face. He loves when I say "awww" or "you're so handsome!"

This boy is learning too young how to turn women to mush. But, at least it's only his mama for now!


Monday, January 11, 2010

A letter to you.

To my dearest Kaiden,

You had a rough night last night. This usually happens when you don't nap, but you had a fun day yesterday, so I don't really blame you. You first woke up at 9. Screaming the scream that hurts my heart to hear so very much. I tried to rock you, but you never do seem to get comfortable enough laying on me (daddy was gone, so I was your only choice :). You were holding your mouth, so I asked if your teeth were hurting. You just screamed more, so I took that as a yes. I carried you out into the living room and tried to lay down with you. It was a no-go. I laid you down on the papasan and got you some orajel. You fought it, but I got it on your back gums. I took you back into your room and rocked you some more. You finally calmed down and I was able to put you back to bed.

Two hours later as I had just laid down in bed and began to doze off, you started screaming again. I ran in to hug you and you were a little warm. I went to get the motrin and just squirted it down your throat because you were fighting me hard. I tried to lay with you on the couch again. No-go. So, even though this usually never works, I brought you into our room and put you on our bed. Your head so gently on my pillow. And a wave went over you. Calm. I rubbed your leg and stroked your hair. I snuggled with you and listened to your sweet breath. Your eyes dozed in and out. You asked for Kado. You smiled that he was in bed with you. You asked that the fan be turned off. Of course, mommy granted your request. Your eyes dozed in and out. You asked for milk and mommy obliged. You were happy. I pulled up the covers and watched you. I kissed your sweet cheek and admired your eyelashes. You had your arms crossed ever so perfectly. I took a mental picture because I couldn't chance waking you with a real camera. I hope I never forget how beautiful you looked to me last night.

When I felt you were asleep enough, I got up and took the dogs out into the living room. I didn't want to chance them waking you up when daddy got home. I called daddy and told him not to come in the room when he got home. I know, I'm bossy! ;) But, hearing those screams truly breaks my heart. I just wanted you to rest. To sleep easy. Plus, you always sleep horizontal in a regular bed, so there wouldn't have been enough room anyway! By the way, you totally slept horizontal last night! Silly goose!

I got back in bed and thought of all the ways I love you. I put pillows in between the bed and the wall because you know mama has to protect you. You woke up two other times throughout the night and asked for milk. At one point when I told you to lay down and go night night, you said no and laid on me instead. OH! My heart was filled with such joy! I snuggled so deeply with you until you fell back to sleep. It was the most perfect moment. Even though I was exhausted this morning, I was so happy to have that special time with you. To have you need me instead of daddy for a change (not that you had a choice!;). I want you to know that I appreciate those moments with you so very much. You bring me pure joy and it is an honor to be your mommy. I hope you choose to lean on me MUCH MUCH more in the future. I live for these moments and I hope to never take them for granted. Thank you for being you, my love.

I may have given birth to you, but you gave me life. I love you so much!


Your Mommy

Mock Snowsuit!

Did I ever show you Kaiden's mock snowsuit that his ill prepared parents came up with?
