Wednesday, October 6, 2010

6 weeks & sitting on the potty

Yesterday marked 6 weeks since my surgery!!! Since that means I now have "good" scar tissue, I celebrated by picking up Kaiden! =)

here we are as superheroes looking for spiders =P
(p.s. I don't know why my eyebrows look so bushy..I swear they are plucked! Maybe this is why I used to pluck them so thin..ha!)

In more exciting news, before Kaiden's bath last night, he SAT on the potty to go pee pee. Not that we want him to sit to go pee pee, but SITTING on the potty is HUGE!!! We'll hopefully see a underweared (is that a word?) booty on here soon! =)


Lulu said...

Yayyy for the potty!

B Loper said...

Geez, I've totally been missing EVERYTHING!!! Sorry about being MIA but my blog was not showing you had any new posts. =( Anyway, YAY!!! I'm so happy Kaiden is working on the potty training. He'll do great! Nice crack shot too, thanks momma! lol