Kaiden and I walked out of the house this morning and he said:
"It's not raining!"
I said nope. He said:
"It's not black. It's blue!!"
That's when I took a moment to look at the beautiful blue sky and breathe in the fresh, crisp air and said, yes it is honey...it's perfect.
And it was!
Those few words erased Kado waking me up at 5 a.m. and me forgetting to pack food for work and Kaiden not wanting to put on pants or a jacket and him crying when I dropped him off at school and having to stop for gas and having to wait to get into my car while a woman took five hundred years to pick eye boogies out of her kids eye and arriving 10 minutes late to work.
It's called perspective and Kaiden seems to have it all figured out. =)
Kaiden has a great outlook :)
eye boogies! ok, that one made me laugh
Love ya
Life is good...
Life is so simple and exciting in the eyes of a kid. I need to sit back and "smell the roses" from time-to-time myself. Thanks Kaiden for the inspiration!
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