Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Never give a kid with diarrhea...

A muffin and orange juice!!!

Thursday morning Kaiden woke up and had a huge blowout in bed. After I got him all cleaned up, he seemed as happy as can be. We decided to have a special treat at the "coffee shop" that morning. 

He wanted a "big muffin" and I decided to get him orange juice for the Vitamin C since he had a bit of a cold. 

On the way home he said "thanks mama, I like it!" and it melted my heart so. 

Not soon after we were done with our treat, he went from above to screaming bloody murder! =(

He said his stomach was hurting and it was hurting so bad that he was scratching his it. So much that it bled. =( =(

I finally got  him in the bath (after I called Kev and ordered him to call Kaiden's doc asap) and he just sat there like this for a good 20 minutes. 

It was so sad! It brought me back to the time he was an infant and got really sick and had a very high fever and Kev sat on the bath and held our shaking baby. My heart ached so bad for him and I felt so hopeless. 

Turns out, after talking with his doc, juice is BAD for diarrhea and I just pumped him full of OJ. I felt horrible and immediately wrote a note card with the do's and dont's so I never make that mistake again. 

We spent the rest of the day and 3 days after giving him the B.R.A.T. diet and sticking to it. He's doing much better now, thank goodness!

On a lighter note, Kaiden got his Halloween costume and wore it the whole weekend! 

My little superhero!


Jordan said...

awwww i remember that day.. poor baby..thank god he felt better i felt soo bad..and in the bathtub was just so sad..but he is so much better now and im soo glad!!! :)

Jordan said...

awwww i remember that day.. poor baby..thank god he felt better i felt soo bad..and in the bathtub was just so sad..but he is so much better now and im soo glad!!! :)

B Loper said...

Awww, poor guy! He looks so over it in the tub. Nice superhero outfit though. Can't wait for Halloween!