Sunday, May 2, 2010

Blooming Personality!

Sorry it has taken me so long to post an update about Kaiden and school. On Friday, although he had a super-cry-fest morning, he apparently had a rock star day! He still didn't eat lunch, but they had sloppy jo's. As far as I know, most 2 year olds don't like meat. Well, at least not my 2 year old! I would like to know how many of those 2 year olds actually ate lunch that day. But, anyways...he did eat a cheese sandwich for snack, so that's good in my book. And...wait for it ... wait for it....


Mama is so proud of him! Kevin said when he picked him up that day he was marching in line with the other kids, just being silly. It truly melted my heart to know that he was FINALLY having a great time! YES!!! Kevin is out of town this week, so I'm going to be dropping him off and picking him up. I hope he takes it easy on me in the mornings! =/ But, regardless of our mornings, I see pure success on the horizon and I cannot wait!


Anyhoo, I wanted this post to be about Kaiden's rock star personality. These next two videos give you a TINY view of how awesome this kid really is.

The first one is his request in music. He's liked the song Beat It for awhile now, so to us this is no surprise. He sings along now, which is pretty awesome (I'll have to get video of that soon), but it wasn't even that that caught me most off guard. During his request for Beat It the other day, he started saying " down down" "baby down" and " oh baby down". It took AWHILE for me to figure it out, but finally figured out that he was asking for Jay Sean's song Down. The beginning starts oh baby down down down down down...ooohhh oohhh...well, you get the point. OMG! I never even noticed that he liked that song before and now he is asking for it by lyrics?!?!?! Too cute! It is also making me pay EVEN more attention now to what we are listening to around him. You never know what he'll pick up!

This one is him learning his shapes while playing. It is too short of a video to really get the full picture of what he knows, but this is his new favorite toy/game and he is learning those shapes like nobody's business!! Trapezoid, Octagon, Pentagon, OH MY! He picks things up SO fast! I really think he learns best with an easy going approach (like playing) and lots of praise! If you don't clap, tell him good job or make some kind of grand gesture when he gets something right, he'll remind you, oh yes he will! It is too funny! And praising he deserves, I mean Trapezoid???? Seriously??? I'll even do a dance for that one!

The best part of the video, though it got cut off, is the end. He finds the star and starts whimpering, then throws it. He thinks it is HILARIOUS to throw things, like the star, and whimper like it is hurt. Then I have to kiss it to make it all better. LOL. I'm telling ya, this boy is a hoot!


Aunt L said...

Go Kaiden! What an amazing boy. Really - trapezoid!

(by the way - as your aunt who has known and loved you your whole life, and who tried to steer your musical tastes towards good music - what are YOU doing listening to a song with lyrics like down baby down?)

Love you!

Ange said...

I KNOW!! I have this problem where I don't really listen to the lyrics of a song, but listen to it if I like the beat. I REALLY need to pay more attention now, as before I was only listening for curse words!

P.S. it's on Jo's ipod! HA! Do I get some points back now?? ;)