Friday, May 7, 2010

exhausted much??

Wednesday night when I picked Kaiden up from daycare (2 minutes before they closed..uggh, traffic!), he was exhausted! I mean E.X.H.A.U.S.T.E.D.!! Here's a pic of the munchkin in the car as we took Jo to work. He wasn't even asleep here. Doesn't he just look worn down? Poor pumpkin.

Yesterday morning, Kaiden decided he wanted to wear his boots outside even though it wasn't raining. Maybe it's a hint that mama should mow the grass when dada is out of town so it doesn't grow up to his knees! LOL. He was super excited, he even posed for this pic!

After we played outside, we went to the doctor for his 2 year check-up. OMG! He started WAILING when we hit the parking lot. He didn't stop until we put his clothes back on at the end of the appointment. LOL. I felt so bad for him. Everyone, including the kiddos, were staring. It was so a I'm one of those parents type of moments. They couldn't get his height, but his weight is about 32 lbs. She checked his ears and his lungs sounded good, haha. He was supposed to get a shot, but she didn't want to traumatize him even more. We'll get it next time. I couldn't think of any questions I had and I can't really tell you if I learned anything except that he can go to 2% milk now.

Afterward, we got some candy for being so brave at the doc.

And then he passed out while drawing from emotional exhaustion. Can't wait for our 30 month appt! ;-)

Isn't he precious when he sleeps! I LOVE those cheeks!!!!!

And, although this has nothing to do with my original post, I wanted to share what my aunt sent me in a Mother's Day ecard. It is seriously one of the most special things anyone has ever written me. I hope she doesn't mind me sharing. Love you Auntie Linda! Thank you again for your sweet words!

To one of the most special mothers that I know. I am so very proud of the wonderful person you grew up to be and even more proud of the mother you are. You are a true blessing to everyone in your life.

With much love,

Aunt Linda

1 comment:

Aunt Linda said...'re very welcome and I meant every word. Happy Mother's Day!


Aunt Linda