I was so excited and impressed with how quickly Kaiden warmed up to Nana and Auntie Linda, considering he hasn't seen either since he was 5 months old. It melted my heart when we all hugged and kissed at the airport and starting to walk down to get our luggage and he whispered "I like Linda" in my ear! That was just the beginning of the beautiful connection I witnessed between the three. It certainly didn't hurt that Auntie Linda was well prepared with all things Kaiden LOVES in her car. It came equiped with a Super Man sun shield, elmo stuffy, alien stuffy from Toy Story, a new water cup. gold fish, animal crackers and books galore. He was seriously in Heaven.
Although Kaiden wasn't a huge fan of Nana's dog, Mandy, he had a great time and my arm eventually healed from holding a 32 pound toddler for two days straight since he was scared of the dog. LOL.
The first day I didn't take many pics, since we were all tired and settling in. However, I did think it was too cute going into bed and finding my sweet pumpkin passed out in the same bed I used to sleep in when I was young. Can you say COM-FY??
The next morning, we had a fresh start. He enjoyed playing with the new toys nana got him..
And wearing the his new shirt..
Playing and singing with his Aunties..
He especially loved eating at Nana's. She got yummy treats especially for him..
He also loved taking a bath, always a fav!..
He's swimming here..lol.
We also got in a cute photo-op..these are my favs..

We all had a great time. He left giving Mandy a quick pet and with the impression that "Nana is silly"...true that, kid, true that! ;-)
Awwww, that's really a sweet post. Kaiden is so sweet, he melted my heart too. I really can't explain how precious it was to see him sleeping, playing, laughing, and singing in the same rooms where you did those same things when you were his age. You even used to 'swim' in the same bathtub! It all brings back so many sweet memories made even sweeter by getting to relive them all over again with Kaiden. Thank you so much for trekking all the way out here and going through so much. Thanks to Kevin too for letting us have you for a few days.
Love ya!
Awww, I love the pics. It's so crazy seeing Kaiden sleeping in the 'Blue Room'. He definitely looks comfortable.
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