Wednesday, August 11, 2010


My husband is amazing.

He's patient, kind, loving, hard-working, caring, smart, handsome ..and the list can go on and on.

Most importantly (for our marriage), he is forgiving. =)

He forgives me all the time for my short-comings. And trust me, I have several.

Like this morning when he called me for the second time from his work number, and I thought might be my doc's number, I was irritated. He went on to inform me that he had called my doc to tell him that if the biopsy news was bad, to call him first. Call you first? was my initial thought and I was a bit peeved. He wanted to make sure that he knew first so if it was bad news he could drive down here and tell me himself and be the shoulder if I needed one. He said the doc actually said so far it does not look cancerous, but they have some more tests to run and regardless if it was cancerous or not, it looks like he'll have to remove the tumor anyway. Kevin was excited and (like a normal person) was expecting the same reaction from me. I didn't give him that. I said I wasn't going to get my hopes up until the final word and I would like to know that final word as soon as possible. Basically saying the doc better call me first. I'm am a big girl after all! 

See?...I told you forgiveness is a crucial part of our marriage.

After I realized what a bee-otch I was being, I called him back and apologized. I told him that it was nice what he did and I understood and appreciated where he was coming from. However, I've gotten to a place of acceptance no matter the outcome and I just want to know as soon as I possibly can. I left out the part where it would probably be more difficult to hear it from him than the doc, though. It would. Have you seen Kevin's eyes? They are so full of emotion that looking into his eyes as he told his wife that she had cancer would be devastating. Seriously. But, I guess that's what marriage is about. Trying to take on one another's worries and pain. He's a great partner for me and I couldn't be more blessed. 

Thank you, sweetie, for doing your best at loving a sometimes harsh, always wants to be too independent woman. Thank you also for accepting my short-comings and loving me anyways.

You will forever be the ONE! I love you!


Aunt L said...

You are an amazing woman, and your hubby is an amazing man. How wonderful that you found each other.

Love you!

Ange said...

That made me tear up! So sweet to say..thanks Auntie Linda! Love you!