Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Red White Blue

Saturday, we went to a small town parade about 20 minutes from our house. We found our perfect spot and gave Kaiden his flag to wave. To our surprise, he had a song about the flag that he learned from school.

Here he is singing Red White Blue just swinging away
Of course, I was a PROUD mama!
He enjoyed the parade quite a bit! He waved at the people on floats, enjoyed some candy, saw horses, firetrucks, motorcycles, oh my! 
He got a lot of little goodies, including this cute hat!
After the parade was done, we headed over to the carnival.
Kaiden played his first carnival game and won his first carnival prize!
And no matter how much I tried to convince him to ride some other rides, he only wanted to ride the "horsey ride" over and over. But his smile was totally worth it!
He even tried to make a run for it to get a free ride! ha ha
We then headed home for lunch and he passed out in the car. Usually when this happens, he doesn't nap that day. So, yeah, he only got a 20 minute nap when he used to 3-4 hours. Needless to say, he was in bed early that night so we didn't get to see fireworks. The next night though, we set some off in the backyard and he said it hurt his eyes. At least he wasn't scared of the sound! =) He enjoyed some of our neighbors fireworks earlier on Sunday and said he liked the colors.
We had a great 4th of July weekend!!

Here are two videos of him singing Red White Blue

I love how he keeps telling us to sing with him in this one. Please excuse mine and Jo's singing! ha!


Aunt Linda said...

How cute! He's a little yankee doodle dandy :)

Love you all

B Loper said...

I love how he taps you on the shoulder to get you to sing and then points at Jo. Hilarious!

Jordan said...

haha that day was soo much fun..yup he told me to sing red, white and blue..and was pointing at me to sing haha to funny!!!