Thursday, July 8, 2010

Cool Like That

We woke up this morning, ate breakfast and read every book in the living room. Yes, some mornings we don't watch gabba! ;-) He's kind of obsessed with his books right now. He likes to read and I love it.
I want to point out that he made me change him into his elmo pjs this morning. Last night he opted for a polo and underwear over his diaper for sleepy time. Yes, I said a POLO. ha!

We then got to stackin' and sortin'.
and playin' cards
We also went ahead and got crazy with a game of bowling in the kitchen. The ONE good thing about our kitchen is that its a great place for bowling. Who woulda thought?
When you don't make a strike in Kaiden's worries, man...
just kick 'em down and cheer about it! it's alllll good!
We then went outside to blow bubbles and enjoy our snack

He had a poopy diaper after snack and made me chase him around the yard to check it. ha! He was begging to run up the hill instead of change his diaper, but, of course, I refused. While changing his diaper I could tell he was super tired, so decided to lay him down for a nap at 11, two hours earlier than his normal time. Maybe he's getting on his school schedule finally?? Who knows. But he fought it of course and said he wanted to run up the hill. I told him that we would after his nap.

2:30 rolls around and I hear the munchkin over the monitor. First thing he wants is water. Can you guess the second?
Yup! To run up the hill! So, that's what we did and he has the grass stains on his shorts to prove it. Then we had lunch and took Jo to work. He ate more when we got home and for the rest of the night was a human garbage disposal. =)

He also practiced some new wrestling moves with dada.

And hid  under our shirts "in our bellies"

My favorite part of the day, though, was after his bath time.

I sat on the toilet, scooped him up in a towel and cuddled him for a bit. When I got up he started screaming something I didn't understand at first.

Turns out he was screaming "sleep on potty!"

ha! That was a first.

He didn't want his diaper or pjs on. He just wanted to snuggle on me wrapped up in his towel.

Do I even have to say that these are the moments that truly melt my heart?

Well, it did.

So, I sat and snuggled. I eventually convinced him to put on a diaper and shirt with a promise of more snuggling in our room on the papasan.

And we snuggled.

And it was great!

Kev and I put him to bed after a bit and we ended the night with kisses and marching.

Oh, you didn't know? I demands we MARCH out of his room when we put him to sleep.

Yeah, he's cool like that! =)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are such a good mommy!!!!! He is a happy baby!!!!