Monday, July 27, 2009


Goose is sick.

He is exhausting when he's sick.

I think he's teething too!

Poor, sweet babycakes!

He surely gave me a "run for my money" this weekend!

Throwing temper tantrums for the littlest things.

Like putting the lid on his sippin' cup!

I crashed in bed, clothes & makeup on, without brushing my teeth, at 8:30 Saturday night!


So, today is a new day. A work day & I miss Goose so much! I needed a mental break, I really did. But every second I'm not with him, I miss him terribly! I don't want to miss one snotty nose or one cough or even one cry! I know this is not realistic, but it's how I truly feel. He fills my heart with such love and joy that thinking of a life, or even a moment, without him is aching.

I want to remind all my readers (yes, all TWO of to look around you and be blessed for all that you have! Even those times when your dog, cat, hubby, mother, sister, friend, child annoys you, take a moment to think of life without them. I guarantee it would not be as wonderful or filled with love. Enjoy EVERY moment and thank God that you have that moment. Cause, lets face it, life without bad moments would suck! How would you appreciate the good?

So, that's my two cents for the day. I hope this post finds you well. Do me a favor, though...go over to and PRAY for their youngest son, Stellan. He is in the hospital again and needs PRAYER!!!! Could you imagine your life without someone you loved..especially your child? I couldn't. I pray for Stellan, although I do not know him. Please do the same. No matter his outcome, I know God has a plan for him. I pray that He heals Stellan or, if that is not His plan, I pray that Stellan and his family have peace at the end of all this.

1 comment:

Aunt Linda said...

Poor little Goose. I hope he feels better soon. Tell him he is just too cute to not be smiling all the time.

Love you,

Aunt Linda