The cutest thing, however, was when I got jacked! I was putting my lunch in my purse and Goose saw my "bahple". "Bahple" "bahple"..he screamed. "That's mommy's apple sweety, daddy will get you your own, mommy has to leave for work." "Bahple" "bahple"..followed by tears. Ok, so every book on the planet will probably say I shouldn't give in when he whines for something, but it's an apple for crying out loud! If my baby is that excited over fruit, you better believe I'm giving in! ;) "Ok baby, here's your apple!" He takes it and gives me a huge smile! I go to the kitchen and get another one for my lunch and kiss his sweet little face goodbye. I got in my car feeling happy and loved. I guess you know you're a mom when getting bahple jacked is the highlight of your day! :)

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