Monday, July 27, 2009


Goose is sick.

He is exhausting when he's sick.

I think he's teething too!

Poor, sweet babycakes!

He surely gave me a "run for my money" this weekend!

Throwing temper tantrums for the littlest things.

Like putting the lid on his sippin' cup!

I crashed in bed, clothes & makeup on, without brushing my teeth, at 8:30 Saturday night!


So, today is a new day. A work day & I miss Goose so much! I needed a mental break, I really did. But every second I'm not with him, I miss him terribly! I don't want to miss one snotty nose or one cough or even one cry! I know this is not realistic, but it's how I truly feel. He fills my heart with such love and joy that thinking of a life, or even a moment, without him is aching.

I want to remind all my readers (yes, all TWO of to look around you and be blessed for all that you have! Even those times when your dog, cat, hubby, mother, sister, friend, child annoys you, take a moment to think of life without them. I guarantee it would not be as wonderful or filled with love. Enjoy EVERY moment and thank God that you have that moment. Cause, lets face it, life without bad moments would suck! How would you appreciate the good?

So, that's my two cents for the day. I hope this post finds you well. Do me a favor, though...go over to and PRAY for their youngest son, Stellan. He is in the hospital again and needs PRAYER!!!! Could you imagine your life without someone you loved..especially your child? I couldn't. I pray for Stellan, although I do not know him. Please do the same. No matter his outcome, I know God has a plan for him. I pray that He heals Stellan or, if that is not His plan, I pray that Stellan and his family have peace at the end of all this.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Making Pancakes

So, what do you do when you decide to make pancakes but your little rugrat won't let you?

Give him 2 kitchen spoons & an empty sippin' cup, of course!!!

Ahhh, mission accomplished!!

Rugrat approved!! "you are number one..." He sings this to me every morning. I know..I'm blessed! ;)

Side note: he didn't end up actually eating the pancakes :(...1st time in history!!! Some days you got it, some days you don't!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

1 shoe 2 shoe Orange shoe Blue shoe

Awhile ago, Goose's awesome Auntie L sent him a box of shoes. He has only been able to wear a couple of them b/c they are still too big. Well, Goose decided he was tired of waiting for his feet to grow!!

These are mama's favs...I think his too!!

Dancing! Dancing!

Shoes that are too big often make you fall, unfortunately! But Goose didn't mind one bit! He found it hysterical, in fact!

Water break!! New shoes sure do work up a sweat!! ;)

Auntie B got him these boots awhile ago too. They are WAY too big still, so much so, that he could not walk him them. He thought they just had to be put to use, so he decided to make JoJo wear them!

We both just cannot wait for his feet to grow! All his shoes are just TOO CUTE!! Love you Auntie's!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Peddle Boatin'

We went to a nearby lake this weekend and rented a peddle boat. Goose wasn't scared at all! In fact, he embraced the new experience with open arms!

Here he is with keys in hand, in his new digs, ready to go!

"Look, mama, lotsa water!!"

Here he is ready to test out the water..

This is his very serious fav pic of the day!

"Oh, mama, the water is cold!!"

Goose climbing front to back on the fear I tell ya, no fear at all!!

Dada dippin' Goose in the water...

Ha ha ...good times!!

"Yeah, that's right, I got in the water...and what?!?"

Awww... a boy & his dada!

More dips in the lake!!..

On our way back to the marina...mama's peddlin'!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Urine or You're Out!

My sis sent me this email and I think whoever wrote this is marvelously brilliant! :) What do you think?

"Like most folks in this country, I have a job. I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit. In order to get that paycheck in my case, I am required to pass a random urine test with which I have no problem.. What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test.

So, here is my Question: Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because I have to pass one to earn it for them? Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet. I do, on the other hand, have a problem with helping someone sitting on their ass - doing drugs, while I work. . . . Can you imagine how much money each state would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check? I guess we could title that program, 'Urine or You're Out'."

Monday, July 20, 2009

Petting Zoo

This weekend McDreamy had off! Since this is such a rare occasion, we decided to take FULL advantage of it!! The fact that it was 80 degrees all weekend didn't hurt either! On Saturday, we took Goose to the petting zoo. He had a blast and loved seeing all the animals. Hope you enjoy the pics!

Goose was scared of the goats at first..

But then dada showed him how to pet them..

He gave it a whirl..and dada said "sheep, baa baa"..

Goose recognized what he was saying and then got very excited!..

This is him saying "baa baa" chasing the goats..haha..

Aww, such a little man walking with his mama... Looking at (uhh..away from) the injured amazing! (not his injury, the bird itself)..

Water break!

This is my fav pic from the day!! Awww!!..

See!..Mr. Independent!! :)

These little guys are so darn cute!!..

We made one more stop at the goats before sharing a popsicle, grabbing something to eat & going home!

I think Goose had a great day! :) did his mama & dada!!

Tending to those farm animals is hard work! ;)

Pictures at the lake coming soon!!