Goose has been soaking up so much knowledge lately, it is truly unbelievable! I thought I'd share his list of accomplishments so far, it's pretty amazing if you ask me!
Words he constantly uses:
baba (bottle/sippy cup)
boc (block)
book (w/o the k)
mo (more)
tay-tu (thank you)
bah (ball)
bye bye
Words he sometimes uses:
nii nii (night night)
dee dee (kiki)
day-doh (kado)
mi mi
gabba (for a tv show he likes)
iiii (hi)
di-he (fishy)
walk (he's too good for crawling lately)
pat hand to mouth (like an Indian)
whistle (w/o the's cute)
throw ball/toys for the dogs
also, sort of play tug-a-war ;)
get down off of the couch by himself
give strawberry kisses
stick out tongue
mimic mimi putting on hand lotion (rubs hands together)
open and close cabinets and already opened doors
stand up on his own
use spoon/fork to feed himself (still needs help to get food on utensil)
(sometimes) cleans up by putting toys in his dump truck
stacks blocks on dump could I have forgotten this one, so very exciting!! ;)
...ok, I'm sure there's more, but now my brain hurts!!
Animal noises:
ah ah ah (monkey)
mmmmm (cow)
arr arr (dog)
he sort of snorts (pig)
and yesterday he added...maow (cat) ..soooo cute!!!
See? I told you he's amazing! He literally soaks up knowledge like I've never seen before! ..or maybe I'm just a bragging mama. Either way, he's awesome! ;)

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