Friday, May 29, 2009

So, I might as well share...

I made an awesome card for Goose's 1st birthday. You know, just like I did for his 1/2 birthday. Unfortunately, this time, they did not print well. The company I used is unable to guarantee that my photo will print how it looks on their website. Crazy, huh? So, I have not found another solution that won't cost me a lot of money. Hopefully I'll find something soon. Any suggestions?? In the meantime, enjoy my happy son, in his bday outfit, at the botanical gardens! :)

*click on the picture for a larger version.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Another Picture Update!!

Mommy's Day!

My little professional walker! ;)
Showing Mimi how to really use the ball!
How cute is this boy?!?!
Cake I made for AJ! YUMM-O!!
AJ w/ a few of her bday gifts!Just cuz!!
Saying he's wild is an understatement! ;)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Picture Update!

I know, its been way too long! There are SO many pictures to catch up on. I have only picked out a few, ahem, to get you through until next time. I hope you enjoy!! I have also updated my photobucket account for March, April and May. Just click on one of the old links I gave you and you should be able to access everything. Love ya!

Lovin' some chicken on a stick!!

Sippy cups are so last week!

This balloon has survived over a month..insane!

Kado is always close by making sure nothing hits the floor!
"Huh? It wasn't me!"
Awww.. love this pic!
He doesn't look so into it, huh?
This picture is amazing to me..
Gotta love the monkeys!! We were literally THIS close..only a very hardy glass (I hope) was between us!
" YAY! Snack is done & I'm ready to roll!"
Nope, not scary one bit!
Bunny ears are silly!!

Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

(almost) Wordless Wednesday

Don't worry, it's only bronchitis! But, poor AJ, she's still feeling pretty cruddy. Pray that she feels better soon!! Especially before her 21st birthday!! Love you girlie!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I totally did not take 2 personal days off last week to recoup from the 4 days off I had the week before! That would have been irresponsible and unthinkable, especially in this economy!! Luckily, I have the best boss EVER and she understands the need for personal days. But, ya know, that is irrelevant since this so did not happen!

I so did not lock my little sister up in mine & McDreamy's bedroom for 2 days & nights (so far) because she is nauseous and feverish. And since this did not happen, McDreamy and I did not sleep on the floor. And there is no way I made him sleep on the floor with me, even though the nice, comfy couch was available, because I wanted to snuggle. That would be crazy!! And, if we had slept on the floor the first night, there is no way McDreamy told me the second night that he was leaving me to sleep on the floor by myself while he enjoyed the nice, comfy couch! No way, he loves snuggling WAY too much for that!

So, yeah, while I totally did not have my sister quarantined, there is absolutely no way I was frantically looking up symptoms and signs of Swine Flu. That would be crazy, right? There is also no way I am still convinced, just a little, that she still may have it even though she seems to be getting better!

I soooo did not have a small taste of MLBG (my life before Goose) while indulging in a Lifetime movie on Sunday morning while Goose napped. I use Goose's naps wisely and complete the many things on my to-do list before indulging in such luxuries!

Last, but not least, I totally did not enjoy two back-to-back dinners of french fries and popcorn! I always eat complete, wholesome meals just like I make Goose.

My mid-section is soooo thanking me right now! ;)

What did you not do last week??

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Say What?

*I stand corrected - edits below! :)

Goose has been soaking up so much knowledge lately, it is truly unbelievable! I thought I'd share his list of accomplishments so far, it's pretty amazing if you ask me!

Words he constantly uses:
baba (bottle/sippy cup)
boc (block)
book (w/o the k)
mo (more)
tay-tu (thank you)
bah (ball)
bye bye

Words he sometimes uses:
nii nii (night night)
dee dee (kiki)
day-doh (kado)
mi mi
gabba (for a tv show he likes)
iiii (hi)
di-he (fishy)

walk (he's too good for crawling lately)
pat hand to mouth (like an Indian)
whistle (w/o the's cute)
throw ball/toys for the dogs
also, sort of play tug-a-war ;)
get down off of the couch by himself
give strawberry kisses
stick out tongue
mimic mimi putting on hand lotion (rubs hands together)
open and close cabinets and already opened doors
stand up on his own
use spoon/fork to feed himself (still needs help to get food on utensil)
(sometimes) cleans up by putting toys in his dump truck
stacks blocks on dump could I have forgotten this one, so very exciting!! ;)

...ok, I'm sure there's more, but now my brain hurts!!

Animal noises:
ah ah ah (monkey)
mmmmm (cow)
arr arr (dog)
he sort of snorts (pig)
and yesterday he added...maow (cat) ..soooo cute!!!

See? I told you he's amazing! He literally soaks up knowledge like I've never seen before! ..or maybe I'm just a bragging mama. Either way, he's awesome! ;)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Mama Made Wall Art!

So, there has been this huge empty space on Goose's wall that has been driving me NUTS! I could never decide what to put there. So, the other day I was at Hobby Lobby (for you East's like Micheals..only, uhhh, cooler!) looking for stuff to make an anniversary gift for McDreamy and I came across these CUTE little wooden decorations! They were all $0.59 - $0.99 and 1/2 off. I went nuts!! Goose helped me pick out the ones he liked too. I also bought some colorful padded poster-like sheets as well. Add some super glue and decorative letters and this is what I came up with:

Here are the closeups:

I know, they look crooked..but I think that's just my shaky hands taking the pictures! Can you believe this project cost me under $20? I don't know any store where you can buy cute, educational artwork for kids for that price! YAY! My baby has totally brought my creative side back!

2 years!

To my dearest hubby,

You mean more to me than I could have ever imagined. You came into my life and gave me purpose. You believed in me where others failed to. You are my rock, my best friend, my soulmate. Thank you for always standing by my side, even when we don't agree. Thank you for making me crack up at the most random moments. Thank you for sharing your food with me even though I know you don't want to. Your food does taste better ya know..yes, even when we're eating the same thing! You are the best husband and father I could have ever dreamed of! I feel blessed every day that you are in my life. Here's to making this last forever...HAPPY 2 YEAR ANNIVARSARY!!!! I love you soooo much!!!!!

To many more...