Friday, January 7, 2011

Funny Things

Kaiden's imagination is growing. He plays by himself a lot more now and makes his toys interact. I love that!!!

When he woke up yesterday he wouldn't go into the kitchen and wanted me to carry him. When I asked why, he said:

"There's two dogs in there. Two white dogs. They gonna get me. Oh! I scared!!!"

His "thing" the past two days has been:

"What I do at school today?"

And then we have to ask him what he did at school and he says:

"I don't know!" and then laughs hysterically afterwards. Ha! He's a noodle!

Last night he had a superhero - animal throwdown on his train table. All the his superhero and animal figures were fighting each other, it was hysterical! ...and kind of violent! lol.

At dinner last night Kev told him he had to eat 3 more bites of sweet potato to get dessert. Kaiden kept saying "no one!" and Kev kept saying "no three!" and so he took his first bite and Kev was counting and said "one.." and Kaiden said "yeah, one!" like he was done. When Kev said two more, he said "no, you no count no more!" Our boy tries to negotiate EVERYTHING! ;-)

We were eating lunch yesterday and he held up his half eaten banana and said:

"We share?"

Awww! I said thanks bud and took a bite. When I started to give it back to him he said:

"No. You eat it yourself!" lol.

We were reading the Cat In The Hat one day and it starts off with the kids being bored inside b/c it's raining outside. He puts his head down and starts to whimper and says:

"I so sad! I inside all day!"

and when I asked him if he wanted to go out, he said:

"No! It's raining!!"

It wasn't. lol. But the whole scene was very dramatic. He's a drama llama, for sure!

He literally makes me CRACK UP every single day. I love this stage so so much! Every day is something new!

Happy Friday!


B Loper said...

He is HILARIOUS! Love him.

Lauren C said...

This is such a great age, becuase they really start developing their unique personalities! He's got a great one!