Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sweet & Salty

We had a sweet and salty moment last night.

Kaiden was trying to climb everything like a monkey last night and was calling it escalator. He was trying to climb over the couch arm but didn't really have anything to step up on. So this go-for-it mama got on her hands and knees to create a step stool for her kiddo to play escalator.

Well, Kev thought it was funny or was trying to show Kaiden what to do when he put his foot on my back. I screamed like a little girl and begged him to not put any weight down. I was skkeeeerrrred and didn't want to get hurt. I know that Kev would never purposely hurt me, but I still screamed like the little drama queen that I am.

This scared Kaiden and he started balling. I don't think I scared him by screaming, I really think he thought Kev was hurting me. Oops!

I snuggled him up with a quickness and let him know his dada didn't hurt me and we were just playing. It took him a minute to calm down, but he eventually did. Poor Kev looked like his heart got ripped from his chest. He wanted to make sure that Kaiden KNEW he would never hurt me on purpose. Kaiden said "okay" and climbed up and played escalator. All was good in his hood. Thank goodness!

Later while Kev and I laid in bed about to fall asleep, I said "is it bad that I think it was so sweet that Kaiden was concerned for his mama?" I think he was like sure sure, but he really thought it was devastating. =( I hope Kaiden continues to be like his daddy in that way, always gentle & gracious with women.

Salty, yet sweet!

Uhh! Looking into those eyes melts me to the core!


Lauren C said...

That's a great quality photo! So crisp!

B Loper said...

Awww, loves his mamma! Poor Kev I can only imagine how he felt. Family full of love. Love the pic!