This weekend when Kaiden was trying to climb up his daddy's legs onto his changing table, that is no longer used as a changing table but rather where his new Christmas tree resides, half way up he says:
"I can't do it!"
Try again honey.
"I can't!!!!"
It literally broke my heart. There are moments in motherhood where I feel that I miss important opportunities to teach Kaiden the great lessons in life. I later bask in my own grief as I think I should have said this or that and take a mental note to get that lesson in at the earliest opportunity. Sometimes it just doesn't get through as I envision it would have if I didn't miss that mark the first time around. Not this time, though. It came to me so clear - - I never ever ever want to hear my child say he can't!
Kaiden, try again. Say "I can!"
As he climbed back up his daddy's legs, he said "I can!" and CAN he did! We all cheered and gave high-fives and it was a great teaching/learning moment.
Later at the park he said "I can't!" again while he tried to climb up the slide. I said "say I CAN! and try again!"
"I CAN!" he exclaimed as he climbed up the slide. =)
Sometimes he slid back down, but as we yelled "I CAN!" he tried and tried again.
Teach your children they CAN do anything and they will.
No pics this post, I chose to enjoy and live in the moments this weekend instead of running for my camera. Sometimes you CAN rely on your brain for memories. ha!
1 comment:
Teaching the great lessons in life. Good job momma!! Now if I could just remember that lesson when it came to cleaning my house...=).
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