Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Baking Memories

The other night Kaiden helped me make banana-carrot bread.
He mashed bananas
Measured the sugar,
spoonful by spoonful.
It took awhile, but I let him do it all by himself.
Memories are best made that way!
He also put in the vanilla & baking powder!
All while in his underwear!..I'd hire him any day! =)

He was in bed by time it was done cooking, but has been enjoying it for breakfast ever since. He says "I make it wi' mama!" and POOF...carrots for breakfast! It's magic!

1 comment:

B Loper said...

Awww, he's such a ladies' man. Already learning how to cook. He's a genius and a typical man, doing everything in his underwear =).