Thursday, March 18, 2010

Making Monies!

We try to explain to Kaiden why we leave every day and go off to work.

"Mama & Dada have to go to work to make money."

"Money buys food, clothes, toys and our home."

Yadda. Yadda Yadda.

Now, when we're leaving, he says "work?" and "monies?" And we say "yes, honey, we have to go off to work and make money." and he usually seems content with that.

Kevin started a new job and is so far loving it!! Whoop! He took us to his office one afternoon to see his new digs.

Here's Kaiden making monies...
Making calls...
Computin' numbers...
he made a SALE!..
(don't mind the wetness on his pants, he was drinking from a big boy cup in the car!)

And that, my friends, is some good work training! ;-)

1 comment:

Lauren C said...

He's obviously a very important business man! Such a cutie!