Thursday, February 18, 2010

Just fell.

Kevin sent me this pic the other day and titled it "Just fell."

Unfortunately, it didn't just fall. I'd be willing to bet that it's the aftermath of something that happened two days prior.

Yup, two days prior.

Two members of our household were playing catch and one of them hit the picture. At the time it just made it go crooked.

But now, it looks like this:

All because two members of our household were playing catch. Two days prior.

The culprit is in this picture:

But, believe it or not, it's not this little guy:

Yup, it was JoJo.

Playing catch with me.

Seeing who would drop it first to be the other ones servant for the night or see who would laugh first to be the one who would have to clean the bathroom.

And laughed we did. Me first. And I laughed hard. Because we were playing catch and once it touched your hands, you had to let it go. And it was funny. We laughed so hard.

And hit the picture.

And laughed more.

We also played beer pong with water.

I sucked.

She rocked.

And we laughed.

So, did the picture just fall?? Probably not.

Do I wish it had?

Not a chance. =)


Marcy said...

This reminds me of when my husband and I first moved in together. I soon was hanging up all sorts of pictures of us and family and friends on the wall. He looked at them and said, "wow, honey, that looks so great! I never would've thought to hang pictures... probably b/c we [him and his younger bro] always broke anything on the walls growing up."

I'm trying to instill a no-throwing-inside-the-house rule now, but it's not going so well...

Lauren said...

You had fun and that's what matters :)