Friday, February 26, 2010
Auntie Love.
Hopefully, no day soon. HA!
Love you JoJo!!!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
1. If you're going to be a teacher, can you pretty please have more energy than me before my morning coffee??
2. Can you please paint the walls, buy new toys or at least give good directions to your facility if I'm going to pay you more than my mortgage??
3. Next time when I tell you that I need 4 days of care, can you please tell me that you only have M, W, F available over the phone?! This will save me gas and time. Mmmk?!?! Thanks.
I do want to give a big shout out to the woman who forgot I was coming, gave a toddler the evil eye, told me she barked orders from her recliner chair and gossiped about other parents that currently had their children in her care. THANK YOU for keeping it real, so I knew to speed out of the parking lot like a bat out of hell and not look back!! At least I know what kind of person you are and will not be using your services. Thankyouverymuch.
Second, my preggers sister POPPED! Sooo cute!!! =) Here she is at 29 weeks:
I can't wait to meet you little Jackson!!
And, just for fun, here is me at 32 weeks (I couldn't find one at 29):
Ummm, yeah. He was 11.8 lbs. HA!
Third, I think I'm going to join in Mommy and Me Monday's. It's set up to get mama's in the picture!!! Since, you know, I only take pictures of the munchkin and pups! So, maybe, just maybe, you'll be seeing my face once a week, too. =)
What?!? You only want to see the munchkin?? I know, me too! But, maybe, just maybe, when he grows up he'll want to know that his mom was present as much as she is!! ;-)
Later peeps!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
To Encourage or Discipline?
But for me, it's not as simple. I don't like boundaries. Ok, I like some boundaries, but not super strict ones.Why shouldn't a little one be able to explore something outside their normal boundaries?? In my opinion, if they aren't allowed, they'll do it anyway. Kaiden always asks if he can play with something that he knows he needs supervision for. My child is allowed to do things others aren't. My child is also polite, he's kind, he has manners. And isn't that what we should be more worried about?
He knows he can play with spoons, but not knives or forks. He pretty much has free range with crayons and pencils, but asks to draw with his markers or pens. He loves to get up on the counter/sink and play in the water. I take the opportunity to teach him to turn OFF the water when we are done playing. He likes to go through the cabinets and ask "what's this?" and I take the opportunity to teach him to put things back and learn new words that he otherwise might not learn on a normal basis. He likes to get up on JoJo's desk and go through her toiletries. I take that opportunity to teach him that those things are not for drinking or eating, but deodorant is for your armpits, body spray is for your clothes and make-up is for your cheeks. He likes to put them where they go, too.
So, are my ways a little unconventional, sure. But, he's going to have to learn this stuff sometime, why not now? =)
Like today, he looked at me with that is this okay mama? look when he wanted to climb up on the couch and look out the window and I gave him the it's okay babe look and he went for it. Struggling to get up, but feeling accomplished when he did it. He looked outside at the ice on the trees and ground b/c it's too cold to get out. Him and his doggie, like peas and carrots.
What's the harm, really? Ok, yeah, he could fall and bust his head open!! But, this mama is confident that the next time he wants to do it, he'll ask. You might think I'm naive, but I think that's the good side of having this kind of freedom.
What do you think??
*side note: he wore his monkey pj's to bed, this morning asked for his doggie ones and after his first diaper change, wanted his reindeer ones. ha!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Of course, a text back would not suffice!!
He told me that Kaiden was watching Elmo counting and would say the number BEFORE Elmo and did it all the way to 9!!!
GO KAIDEN!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Just fell.
Unfortunately, it didn't just fall. I'd be willing to bet that it's the aftermath of something that happened two days prior.
Yup, two days prior.
Two members of our household were playing catch and one of them hit the picture. At the time it just made it go crooked.
But now, it looks like this:
All because two members of our household were playing catch. Two days prior.
The culprit is in this picture:
But, believe it or not, it's not this little guy:
Yup, it was JoJo.
Playing catch with me.
Seeing who would drop it first to be the other ones servant for the night or see who would laugh first to be the one who would have to clean the bathroom.
And laughed we did. Me first. And I laughed hard. Because we were playing catch and once it touched your hands, you had to let it go. And it was funny. We laughed so hard.
And hit the picture.
And laughed more.
We also played beer pong with water.
I sucked.
She rocked.
And we laughed.
So, did the picture just fall?? Probably not.
Do I wish it had?
Not a chance. =)
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
The Great Date Experiment - Date One.
It was fun and it got us talking about stuff we usually don't talk about on a regular basis. I had a great night and my "love cup" runneth over.
We selected Gringos for dinner (no surprise there)!! Hey! We don't eat out much, might as well go to our favorite place! ;-) While we waited to order and ate our food, we discussed these questions:
I knew you were the one when - Kevin: "At the airport, on my way to Seattle." It was the first time we were apart very early in our friendship. He was on his was to visit a female friend who he once had feelings for. Sounds weird, but the trip was planned way before we knew we liked each other. Ange: "When you were at my apartment with Brandi waiting for me after my wack-o date with whatshisface." Before we started dating, I was still dating other people even though I knew I liked Kevin. That night, he made me realize there was no need. He was there, putting himself out there and wouldn't take no for an answer. Thank goodness! =)
If you and I had two days alone together, how would you want to spend the time? We both pretty much agreed at the beach. RELAXING! ha!
If you could relive one day of your childhood, and you could take the kid version oof me with you, what day would it be? Kevin: "A basketball game, so you could see how good I was." ha! Loved that answer! Ange: "Any day you could meet my grandpa." Kevin reminds me SO much of my papa, I wished he could have known him.
If you and I could take a paid sabbatical for an entire year, what would you most like to do? We both agreed travel the world.
If I decided to get a tattoo that summed up in one word why I love you, the word would be - Kevin: "Kaiden. You gave him to me and just seeing you with him. You are the greatest mom. You can tell you are each others world." Aww, heart melts. Ange: "Believe. I've always said I will marry the man that doesn't give up on me. You never have. You believe in me and that I can become the person I want to be."
Point Three of the date was a little more personal, so I'll just keep that between us. We learned a lot from the Pointe Three questions and I hope we use what we discussed in the future.
We didn't do the dessert part of the date because we were both just SO full from Gringos. We did go home and watch a movie and just snuggled together. I'm always a fan of that.
We have a rain check on carving our initials into our tree in the back yard. I can't wait! I've never carved my name into anything and it will be a nice reminder of how strong and lasting we both want our marriage to be.
I can't wait until the next date! How did you spend your Valentines Day??
Monday, February 15, 2010
Fairytale Village
This is us waiting in line. Even when we get inside and take off his jacket, he always wants to keep his hat on. He puts it to the side on his boy already has flavor. ha!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentines Day!!
Today, we spent our day making Valentines Day cards...
Eating cupcakes with pink frosting...
And just loving and enjoying each others company.
Well, isn't that what Valentines Day is all about? =)
We also organized Kaiden's toys, our closet and cleaned the cars. I think I have Spring fever! ;-)
Hope your day is full of love. Love you all!! xoxoxox
Friday, February 12, 2010
Show Us Your Life - Valentines Dates or Memories
Anyways, I'd thought I participate this week in Show Us Your Life, hosted by Kelly.
I have two most memorable Valentines Day's that I'd like to share and reminisce about.
The first, was mine and Kevin’s first Valentines Day. It was so so SO special. That morning before work, I snuck into his apartment and decorated it while he was sleeping. I had cut out all these hearts with sweet notes on them and taped them all over the place. I set up a banner, some gifts and a giant poster board I made. (haha, so cheesy!). But it was fun and it showed him how much I cared about him.
He, on the other hand, surpassed all my expectations. It started with a "scavenger hunt" while I was at work. I got to my car and a cd started to play. It had him speaking, telling me how much I meant to him and a beautiful song or two to go with it. He also started a scrapbook with all our emails and love notes to one another (so so special!!). Little did I know he was waiting in the trunk for me!!! He surprised me and I was so happy to see him after having all these wonderful emotions from what he had made me. Later that day he had carolers come in and sing to me in front of my whole office. It was beautiful and even more special because they were the same amazing ladies from my sister’s office party in December. (oh yeah, he's good!!)
It was our very first Valentines and I think we both made it very special in our own ways. My favorite part of the whole thing was how much thought he put into it. How much creativity he put into it. Non-traditional in a sense. Just my style! I think that's the day I knew he was my soulmate. I'll never forget that day, even if I don't quite remember all the little details. It showed me how much he really knew me and it's the first time I've ever felt that. =)
The other Valentines Day that was very special wasn't as grand, but just as special. It was the year I was pregnant. He gave me a journey diamond necklace. The necklace, of course, was beautiful and unexpected. But, it was what he wrote with it that closed the deal. He wrote what the necklace actually meant to him. The unexpected journey we'd been through that year with the pregnancy and the diamond being Kaiden's birthstone (luckily he was born in April and didn't come early..haha!). It was amazing and truly thoughtful. I love my necklace, even if it is too fancy to wear on a daily will forever be my favorite piece of jewelry (besides my wedding rings) and I'll cherish it always.
Thank you, sweetie, for my two most memorable Valentine's Days. I know we'll have many more to come...
I love you.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
I am SO OVER blowing my nose! It hurts so so so so bad!!! =(
Would it be totally inappropriate to do this:
Yeah, I just went there.
Monday, February 8, 2010
A bit of happiness.
Yup, you read right.
Poor munchkin!
At least his fever FINALLY broke!
But he's still been a bit lethargic and cranky.
He's had good moments too. Thank the good Lord!
One of them was on Saturday right before his nap. Coincidence? Prolly not. But, I couldn't resist.
He kept saying "nanamals!" "nanamals!!" (animals) Followed by "jacket" "jacket" and headed for the door!
He wanted to go to our new favorite place. The nature conservatory. :)
So, Kevin and I got ready and headed there. Kaiden was thrilled to show his daddy around and fell asleep on the way home.
It's so nice that he's able to tell us what he wants to do now. I like making him happy and for this little moment, in over a week, I KNEW he was! =)
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Go Crazy!
Those are his words, not mine. :)
Friday, February 5, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Bringing the Outside In!
Hmmm...what to do?!?
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
New Blog Name.
I need help!! Do you have any blog name suggestions???
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
The Other Poo.