Monday, December 14, 2009

Moo-Bee's Make Everything Better!

Kaiden's spirits were back up yesterday, but he was still in a very chill mood compared to normal. He ACTUALLY asked to watch a "moo-bee" yesterday (this kid has never watched a movie a day in his life). So, we watched Madagascar 2. He played through most of it, but the parts he did watch made him laugh and dance. It was too cute!

He didn't nap though. When I did put him down for a nap he just played in his crib. When I went in to check on him, he had pooped. He pooped like 6 times yesterday. LOL.

What?! Oh, TMI?

haha. My bad!

Anyhoo, when we did decide to venture out of the house, I'm not kidding, less than 5 minutes in the car and he was OUT! I mean snoring and all! Poor little guy!

So, needless to say, JoJo went shopping by herself and I stayed in the car and listened to music and watched all the crazy shoppers trying to look for their cars. ha!

He didn't seem to sleep very good last night. He kept fussing, but never woke up completely. Dada reported that he thinks he now has a cold. =(

Keep him in your prayers for a quick recovery from whatever he may have! Love ya!

1 comment:

Lulu said...

The only way my dad was able to put me to sleep as a baby was to drive me around in his truck. To this day, I can always manage to fall asleep in a vehicle ;) Hopefully his cold will fly by without TOO much snot (for your sake)!