Wednesday, November 4, 2009


We. Are. In. Debt.

It's true.

I just listened to this video called the "Financial Black Hole" and the first step to getting out of debt is admitting it.

So, we are in debt.

The truth is we have 9 credit cards between us. Two hefty car payments. A mortgage. And other bills that add up SO much.

It is truly embarrassing.

I don't think anyone but us knows this about us. Until now.

It's time to be truthful about it, not for you, but for us.

If I can share this with you, I know you will help us through it.

Not help us financially. Because, lets be honest, that won't help us change at all. But, support us emotionally.

We need your love and understanding.

We got ourselves in this situation and I want so badly to get us out.

Will you support us? Emotionally.

Because I have a true feeling that this is going to need a lot of emotional support.

This is going to be the hardest thing either of us has done.

It will hurt.

It should hurt.

The more it hurts, the least likely you'll do it again. It's true.

This is my first step.

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