Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Tid Bit

Sorry I haven't posted in a week! I enjoyed a hubby-filled weekend and 3 days at home pretending I was a stay-at-home mama! HA!

Anyhoo, we had lots of fun and I will post pics soon!

I'm on my second cup of coffee today! (cup meaning probably morning coffee is like 3 and the tall at starbucks is probably 2, maybe 1...yay! got a starbucks giftcard from my boss..whoop!)

Kaiden has been blowing my mind lately!! He says so many words now, I can't keep up! We definitely need to put a cap on the bad words b/c he is repeating almost everything! ;)

He is SO independent too, but always has been. He loves reading and talking on the phone. He doesn't talk when someone is actually on the phone wanting him to say "hi" but is all over his conversations on his play phones. He actually left the room yesterday to talk on the phone and came back when he was done! HA! Priceless, I tell ya.

He loves collecting things and always seems to have something in his hands. He likes to walk, not be carried. Unless, of course, you are trying to cook dinner or something! ;) He's brave. He likes to give us mini heart attacks but just jumping off stuff, no matter the height. Luckily, so far, we've always been there to catch him!

He is completely off bottles now. It was such an easy transition too. I have missed rocking him to sleep, though. He doesn't like that anymore now that he doesn't take a baba for night night. We just put him to bed and tuck him in. For the most part, he's doing well with that. Yay!

He still loves outside and going for walks. He gets his shoes when he's ready to go! He's a big helper and he throws away his trash and gets/does things we ask of him (most of the time). He's started to count, too. Well, we say "one" and he says "two" and he has his own little way of counting that's so hard to explain, I'll try to get video. He usually does it before he shoots a basket and while reading his number/colors book.

I gotta question... he flippin' me off in this pic? haha.

Ok, gotta go! xoxo.

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