I started a post about a week ago and never finished it. Hopefully I will soon.
In the meantime, I want to give you a little catch up on Kaiden and his happenings lately. All the pics were taken with my phone. I need a break from my first day back at work, so that's all I'm working with here. Stay with me...
He came to see me in the hospital. I surprised him with a doctors kit and he didn't hesitate to give us our check-ups. He's been so cute and sweet for the past 3 weeks. Every day he asks to see my belly. He says "oh! dats a big one!" or "mama belly has cut on it?" He knows I can't hold him, even though after awhile he starting asking anyways. He then would remind himself that "mama belly hurt". He has been very gracious through this whole process and I couldn't ask for a sweeter, more caring son.
He likes to play doctor on his brobee doll, give him medicine and a "comfy blanky" (which just happens to be my cleaning cloth to my glasses) ha! He just recently starting demanding to "feed mama" her medicine and water every day. =)
Speaking of brobee, sometimes he eats at the table with us. He has gotten A LOT more attached to his toys lately. He has favorites. He sleeps with them, too. Which is new for Kaiden.

Speaking of sleeping with toys. Kaiden has never, ever wanted to sleep with a toy in his little life. Every since I got back from the hospital (which may or may not have anything to do with it) he HAS to sleep with something every night. It started out with a tiny little rock he found outside at school. Let me tell you, this boy is loyal to the things he loves. He kept this tiny little rock for a good two weeks or more. I mean it was TINY. He slept with it, too. It was too fricken cute. If he dropped it in his sleep the first thing he would say when he woke up was "my rock! my rock!" He eventually lost it in a hole outside, but said he was ok with it. He does still ask about it when he walks out the front door, though. lol. He finally replaced it yesterday when he brought an acorn home from school. He bathed and slept with it last night. =) Other things he's slept with recently have included superhero action figures, cars, stuffys, a candle and a piece of wood. Don't ask! And yes, I went in after he fell asleep and took the candle and wood away. HA HA.

He has a sense of humor, oh yes he does! He put his own spin on my decorative balls that I tell him are not toys. So, he made his own (well..jo helped) and played with them all he wanted!

His imagination is blooming. He talks to his toys and acts them out to do different things. He likes to make up stories like when he said I had to close his door. I asked him why he couldn't and he said there was a deer in his room that was going to get him and he was scared. LOL. Also like the time he said there was a fire in the trash and we had to put our fire hats on. He gave us all a mixing bowl to put on our heads for protection! He also likes to make anything he can into a birthday hat and have birthday parties. He sings the song "happy birthday you you you happy birthday you you you" and hands out his toys as presents. We are getting ready for halloween and right now he wants to be a dinosaur. An orange one. I got him this little mask to get him prepared for costumes in general. He likes being a superhero in it.
He apparantely has a new smile, too!
He's the light of my life and makes me so proud to be his mama. He's made the last 3 weeks joyful when they could have been straight up miserable. I love you sweets!!
P.S. He is now wiping off my kisses and laughing about it. I am not a fan. He's lucky he's cute...