Monday, August 31, 2009

Just a Lil Bit..

Yup, you guessed it! Still no pics on the boat! :( I've loaded them to my computer, but have yet to edit them so they can be posted! Aahh! I know, I'm a slacker. But, I have many things going know, like re-decorating a lil bit, shopping a lil bit, attending birthday parties for a lil bit, cooking new recipes a lil bit, playing & dancing with my munkin a lotta bit, snuggling for an hour and a half with my doggies cause they're lil bits..and so on! I promise to get them up this week though. In the meantime, I'll leave with a few pics...cause all ya really need is a lil bit!...right?

Apples are SO SO good, especially when you have 3 teeth coming in!

Munch on Goose, munch on!

Here is the lil bit of re-decorating I did. I got these pics for FREE from Walgreens, just had to pay $0.99 shipping. Whoop! Love them!!

Oh, one more thing, I think the Hubs and I have decided to start the potty training process soon. I have some reservations about the potty seat method, but the Hubs brought up some good reservations about the straight up on the toilet method too. Soo...updates to come! And, yes, I'll probably have pictures! Don't worry, I'll spare you the dirty details. haha.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Who Do You Think You Are?!

Mr. HOT stuff!!

You're always gonna get my love!! ;)

*Update: I think I figured out Goose's eating problem. His morning baba! Mmhmm..he is still taking 2 bottles a day. So I cut one out, offering him milk in a sippin' cup with breakfast and lunch instead. Result: HE ATE A TON YESTERDAY!! Whoop!! And his marvelous babysitter sent me the above picture letting me know that he ate his lunch. She also appropriately named the pic "Mr. Hot Stuff"..I couldn't agree more!*

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

To Eat or Not To Eat..

Today, my wonderful babysitter sent me this picture:

It's Goose with a piece of french toast hanging out of his mouth! At first glance, it may be cute, but unfortunately, it goes much deeper. Goose has pretty much avoided eating for the past 2 weeks. I remember one day, he only ate sweet potato and cheerios :(. I know, he's probably just a picky toddler. But, it's getting to the point of concern. So, I called his doc today and spoke with the nurse. She said that she's not too concerned at this point b/c he is having wet/dirty diapers and he is not having sick symptoms. She wants us to record his weight, what he is eating and the number of wet/dirty diapers he is having. I have to report back next week. So, while I'm trying not to freak out on a daily basis b/c my sweetie pie isn't eating, I will also try to have an open mind. I need to think of new things to introduce him to. Dada got some dried fruit yesterday & he did eat some of that. Good thinking dada! Me, on the other hand, am not so creative with food. I try to give him some of everything I make...I guess I need to come up with some new recipes. Anyhoo, I'll keep you updated!

And, to leave on a funny note, my babysitter said he danced around with that french toast hanging out of his mouth for a good 20 minutes!! Silly Goose! ;)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Cannot, Will Not!

I just couldn't wait until I uploaded the pics from this weekend on my computer to share some pics of Goose! I love him and love looking at his pictures, just like I know you do! :) So, here are some phone pics of our day with JoJo last week. We spent a good hour and a half at the park. We all had a good time!! We love our days with JoJo..

He looks so small in the big park world! ;)

Playing in the little house under the playground. Fun times!

Under the playground looking at a little toddler girl who I'm sure he wanted to play with, but she was kind of a brat who got upset b/c I said "hi" to her! Ugghh! I guess I'll learn the line between not talking to strangers & you better say hi to me little girl if you want to play with my baby who is 1/2 your size, when Goose starts talking more! ha!

Here is Goose with his JoJo! I love seeing these two together...look at her hand so gently placed atop his head. precious!

Sunday, August 23, 2009


There is no better sign of a FANTABULOUS weekend than funky tan (uhh..burn) lines!

An awesome weekend, it was!!! Pics to follow...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Peaches, Heartbreaks & Sugarcakes!

Goose & Kado sharing a snack..

Yup, my cutie pie still crosses his feet..
"Hey, Goosette, do you want to have a playdate tomorrow?""What!!'re going to the spraypark with him?!?! I know I'm younger, but..."
"Hmm, ok, I understand..maybe in a few months when I learn how to ride a trike."
Looking thru JoJo's phone..possibly for a new someone to call?! ;) That's my boy!!
Goose's first taste of an oreo!...


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Climbing Couches!

JoJo watched Goose for me this morning. She sent me a video of Goose getting up on the couch by himself for the first time!! Awww, he is getting SO BIG! He's been climbing our office chair for a week or so now...I had to know this was right around the corner! The video is small & blurry, but you should be able to see it. Happy Tuesday! :)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Soothing Sleepiness with..

Mama kisses.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Happily Ever After!

Even though this is about 2 weeks late, it is definitely a post I want to share!

About 2 weeks ago, McDreamy's g-parents celebrated their 60th anniversary!! How fricken amazing is that?!?! Pretty amazing if I may say so myself! We went down to celebrate with them & we all had an amazing time. Goose is usually very shy, but warmed up to everyone quicker than normal. Here he is with his great grandma Heckathorn showing off his Jayhawk...she was impressed! ;)

Here Goose is on his first 4 wheeler ride...McDreamy went slow, so he wasn't THAT impressed. My babe must have a need for speed!

After, McDreamy & I went on a ride together. When we got back, Goose was snuggled up against McDreamy's cousin. Awww..too cute!

After a long day & anniversary party, Goose was exhausted. We didn't have a playpen, so that night he was sleeping in the bed with us! Instead of letting him fall asleep on his own, his Great Auntie rocked him peacefully to sleep!

He was so knocked out that his other Great Auntie had a turn rockin' him..

..and so did his Great Grandma! :)

The next morning was my favorite part! Waking up to Goose in the same bed was so sweet!! We played for about half an hour before we got up! I LOVED it!!!!!! Isn't this quilt that McDreamy's grandma's cousin made so amazingly beautiful?!?!

Also, when we were down there, we became the new owners of this:

Yup, it's a boat! McDreamy's late dad's boat to be exact. Ever since we moved here, McDreamy has been talking about this thing. So, finally, we took it home and registered it in HIS name! Yay! I'm so glad he has apart of his dad with him. Something he has fond memories of. It's from the 70's & he didn't think it would start, but we were so surprised by it!! More details on that later! ;)

While we were down there, we also got a chance to meet with Goose's g-parents & cousin, Anabelle! Aren't they cute?!?

I love this picture! It's almost like he's saying "ok, dad!, enough pictures of this chick...I'm the center of attention around here!!!" ;)

Goose was also NOT happy about sharing his dada! He could have cared less about me playing with Anabelle the whole time, but nooooo, dada's lap is NOT for sharing!!!

We then went to visit McDreamy's other g-parents & Goose was exhausted!

But soon decided to wake & enjoy a snack!

He also showed mama how handsome he was in her shades!!

Last, but not least, this is the present I made for their anniversary. What do you think?

All-in-all, it was a GREAT time! I LOVE the Heckathorns & feel blessed to be apart of their family!!

You'da Best!

**WARNING!!!** if you are male, do not read this post! I know how ya'll freak on this subject!! :)

Anyhoo, I had to report how awesome my husband is!! I know it's not nice to brag, but I think it's ok as long as you're bragging about someone you love!

Sooo, I woke up this morning with some killer cramps. The only fricken pain meds I had in the house was Tylenol from 2007. Yes, 2007. CRAP!!! I was tempted, but didn't want to chance it. Maybe if they were from 2008. But, 2007?..uhh, not so much! Anyways, my oh-so-wonderful hubby went to the drugstore for me (before 7 a.m.) to get me some meds without even complaining about it.

Yeah, I pretty much super heart him!! Thanks baby! You'da you'da best!!!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Auntie L!

I got the most hilarious email from my Aunt today. She is too creative and funny! Everyone in my family says I take after her the most. I never really noticed it when I was younger, I just thought we looked alike b/c we have dark hair (my little sis too) and lets face it, my family is VERY small, so the dark haired gals are "alike" and so are the light haired ones. But, as I get older, I am so recognizing our resemblances. My creativity for one, as it may not be at her level just yet, I definitely think I get that from her. My hilariousness, for sure!, although I will admit everyone in my family is pretty darn funny! We are just cool like that! She is also so very kind, smart and selfless. Something I strive to be. She is actually the most selfless person I know (my hubby coming in at a very close second)! Without her, I don't think where our family would be! She is the peacemaker, the neutral party, the one that doesn't sweat the small stuff. All these traits are ones I look up to, ones I hope to fully have (like her) one day. She is amazing & the best Auntie ever (and I DON'T just say that b/c she's my only aunt)..she is TRULY amazing!! I love you Auntie L and am so glad you are in my life. Thanks for your wit, your knowledge, your heart & guidance. We are all so blessed to have you in our lives!!!

...and now for her silly email:

"[Mama G],

About a week or so ago, I found that someone had been using my home computer. This was strange as it’s usually turned off when I’m not there and who’s there but the cats?

After a bit of sleuthing, I found that there were kitty paw prints all over the keyboard and the web history was showing a visit to your website, particularly the entry where you posted photos of [Aunt B's] two dogs. Then I found a piece of paper under the printer, it was a print out of those photos and your web entry with what I must say were some pretty hissy remarks. From what I can gather, both Magic and Callie are ‘fur’ious that two dogs were featured. Being cats, they consider themselves superior in both nature and looks to dogs. It also appears that they phoned Mandy, who apparently is also up at paws. Apparently, Magic and Callie are ok with Mandy being a dog because she’s about their size.

Anyway, the two cats cornered me and insisted that I send you their photos.

This is Magic in her favorite activity (keeping an eye on everything)

And here’s Callie, the beauty queen – Paws up!

Sweet Mandy:

Aren't they so beautiful!!! I love them all and I still remember the first day I met those kitties, I couldn't have been MORE excited! And, although I don't have a picture on-hand of my sweet little Nya, baby girl knows I LOVE her too! Once a second mommy to her, she also holds a very special place in my heart!! I love all my fur-family!!!