banana - nana
kado (way clearer now)
puppy - puh pee
bird - bir
blueberry - boo ree
apple - ahh pul
bath - bahh
pool - pooh
outside - ow ii
purple - puh ple
kitty - ki hee (followed by "maow" sounds)
up - bup (while raising arms up)
tree - tee
car - he's says it very clear, but with a Boston accent ;)
hello - ahh lo (while putting the phone up to his ear)
diaper - die pah
poo poo ;)
baby - bah bee
basketball - bah ball
The cute actions he's been doing lately are just way awesome!! Every morning after his baba, he must get on the bed and find the dogs under the covers. He thinks this is hilarious! The dogs, not too happy, but they are very good a "dealing" with it. He also loves to play peek-a-boo now. He will also lay his head on a pillow and pretend he is tired and then pop up and laugh b/c he tricked you. He loves to run around and chase the dogs with their toys. He gets super pumped when they play tug-a-war with him and knock him over (rolls over in laughter every time)! He loves it when he throws a ball and one of the dogs gets it too. He loves to get up and down on and off the couch or bed. He loves playing outside and taking walks up the street. That is him walking, not in the stroller (although he still loves wagon rides). He started to love pushing his stroller or cart in the stores. It takes a little longer to get things done, but his happiness is way more important than time! This weekend we started the battle of leaving the dog food alone! After fighting about it on Saturday, we came to a compromise on Sunday that he can help feed the dogs, but not play with the food. It must go straight from his hand to the dogs mouth. He thinks this is pretty awesome and pretty much hand fed Kado his whole breakfast that morning. ;) Kado didn't mind and I actually think he thought it was a nice treat to be hand fed like a baby! He likes to close doors and empty out cabinets and boxes. He likes to bring me all his books and have story time (my heart melts every time). He just started sitting by me for story time and I absolutely love that! He likes to gather all of his stuffy's that sing or make noise and have us start them all so they can sing/talk together. EVERY time he hears music he jams out like a rock star! He brings us his shoes when he wants to leave or go outside. He can look at a picture and recognize his dada. Lately, he's been pointing at Mimi and saying "ma ma" and then we say no, that's mi mi...and he says "mmmm" and either says "ma ma" again or a few times he said "da da"..haha. It's cute that he trying to get her name down. He's said "mi mi" a few times. Oh, and the funniest thing happened the other morning. He was looking through my baby photo album and I was pointing out family members. I pointed to a picture of our Nana and said "na na" and he said back clear as day (AJ heard it too, I'm not crazy) "gra-ma" ...WHOA!!! We were both amazed!! He didn't say it again, but I remember the only other time he said it was after spending time with McDreamy's g-ma (who is called grandma). So maybe he associates older yet oh-so-beautiful-young-at-heart women as his "gra-ma" hehe.
Ok, that's my update. Are you amazed?? :)